Political Betting–2016 Presidential Election Individual State Odds

Not going to add much commentary to this post since I’ve got to run through the betting odds for 50 states and the District of Columbia. We updated the ‘To Win Presidency’ betting odds with analysis earlier today. The prices on Hillary have drifted upwards slightly and the range is now -350 to -400 but that’s not really surprising. In my opinion, that was to be expected due to simple betting theory. It might be a good idea to read the link above before making any individual state bets since the same concepts will apply in competitive states. Clearly, there are plenty of non-competitive states out there. Trump has no chance of winning in Massachusetts and Clinton has no chance of winning in South Carolina. That being said, there are plenty of competitive states out there and the same dynamic applies to these states as applies nationally.


Which candidate will win Alabama’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -7500
Hillary Clinton: +2500

Which candidate will win Alaska’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -475
Hillary Clinton: +325

Which candidate will win Arizona’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -320
Hillary Clinton: +240

Which candidate will win Arkansas’ electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -4800
Hillary Clinton: +1600

Which candidate will win California’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1600
Hillary Clinton: -4800

Which candidate will win Colorado’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +280
Hillary Clinton: -400

Which candidate will win Connecticut’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1000
Hillary Clinton: -2000

Which candidate will win Delaware’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +750
Hillary Clinton: -1400

Which candidate will win the District of Columbia’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1600
Hillary Clinton: -4800

Which candidate will win Florida’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +120
Hillary Clinton: -150

Which candidate will win Georgia’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -550
Hillary Clinton: +375

Which candidate will win Hawaii’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1600
Hillary Clinton: -4800

Which candidate will win Idaho’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -4800
Hillary Clinton: +1600

Which candidate will win Illinois’ electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1600
Hillary Clinton: -4800

Which candidate will win Indiana’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -3500
Hillary Clinton: +1450

Which candidate will win Iowa’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -260
Hillary Clinton: +180

Which candidate will win Kansas’ electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -2600
Hillary Clinton: +1250

Which candidate will win Kentucky’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -7500
Hillary Clinton: +2500

Which candidate will win Louisiana’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -4800
Hillary Clinton: +1650

Which candidate will win Maine’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +350
Hillary Clinton: -525

Which candidate will win Maryland’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1250
Hillary Clinton: -2500

Which candidate will win Massachusetts’ electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1600
Hillary Clinton: -4800

Which candidate will win Michigan’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +325
Hillary Clinton: -475

Which candidate will win Minnesota’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +450
Hillary Clinton: -625

Which candidate will win Mississippi’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -4800
Hillary Clinton: +1600

Which candidate will win Missouri’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -2500
Hillary Clinton: +1250

Which candidate will win Montana’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -2500
Hillary Clinton: +1250

Which candidate will win Nebraska’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -3800
Hillary Clinton: +1575

Which candidate will win Nevada’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +325
Hillary Clinton: -450

Which candidate will win New Hampshire’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +225
Hillary Clinton: -275

Which candidate will win New Jersey’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1250
Hillary Clinton: -2500

Which candidate will win New Mexico’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +450
Hillary Clinton: -600

Which candidate will win New York’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1600
Hillary Clinton: -4800

Which candidate will win North Carolina’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -110
Hillary Clinton: -110

Which candidate will win North Dakota’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -3500
Hillary Clinton: +1550

Which candidate will win Ohio’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -250
Hillary Clinton: +175

Which candidate will win Oklahoma’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -4800
Hillary Clinton: +1600

Which candidate will win Oregon’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1250
Hillary Clinton: -2500

Which candidate will win Pennsylvania’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +300
Hillary Clinton: -450

Which candidate will win Rhode Island’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +900
Hillary Clinton: -1250

Which candidate will win South Carolina’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -2500
Hillary Clinton: +1250

Which candidate will win South Dakota’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -2500
Hillary Clinton: +1250

Which candidate will win Tennessee’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -7500
Hillary Clinton: +2500

Which candidate will win Texas’ electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -2500
Hillary Clinton: +1250

Which candidate will win Utah’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -350
Evan McMullin: +300
Hillary Clinton: +1500

Which candidate will win Vermont’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1250
Hillary Clinton: -2500

Which candidate will win Virginia’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +500
Hillary Clinton: -750

Which candidate will win Washington’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +1250
Hillary Clinton: -2500

Which candidate will win West Virginia’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: -7500
Hillary Clinton: +2500

Which candidate will win Wisconsin’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +450
Hillary Clinton: -600

Which candidate will win Wyoming’s electoral votes?

Donald Trump: +120
Hillary Clinton: -150

About the Author: Jim Murphy

For more than 25 years, Jim Murphy has written extensively on sports betting as well as handicapping theory and practice. Jim Murphy has been quoted in media from the Wall Street Journal to REASON Magazine. Murphy worked as a radio and podcasting host broadcasting to an international audience that depended on his expertise and advice. Murphy is an odds making consultant for sports and 'non-sport novelty bets' focused on the entertainment business, politics, technology, financial markets and more.